
Fixing Camera Issues With SODP AOSP On The XA2 Ultra

... to build AOSP on the XA2 Ultra, and how well it worked. However, there were a few issues. One notable issue was with the camera preview, ...

Well, the first build of AOSP using the SODP on the XA2 Ultra are out! ... So far, the camera sometimes turns green when displaying the preview, but the ... Well, that is very interesting, no I need to figure out how to fix this.

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While following the SODP AOSP 10 build guide, the build completes as normal, ... it was in the vendor blobs, which really cuts down on any chance I had at fixing it. ... Xperia XA2 Ultra - Primary camera is not working #95.. If your camera isn´t working properly, you can run a diagnostics test to identify if there is a problem with the main camera, front camera, flash or camera key.. The factory camera software have issues on the front one too. ... XA2 ultra dual have other issues related to software and trust me it's the 9'th Xperia I use for me or my family and friends, I know it's the software. Please fix these. Spyhunter 4 crack download
